About "Bond&Co."
address〒965-0107 Izumi470, Kitaaizu, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan
About usオーガニックのお米や、オーガニックのお米で醸したお酒なら、Bond&Co.をご利用ください。皆様の健康を願って作られた加工品の数々もございます。Bond&Co.は、人の、地球のサステナビリティをサポートする商品やサービスを提供していきます。食が皆様の健康を支え、食を囲んだ体験が皆様の人生を豊かにすることを願って。Hope your BIG smail;)
How to Pay
・paypal payment
At Paypal, you have to pay in advance. Please pay us from your paypal acount.
Delivery time3 to 5 days from your order.
Postage, postage cost changes throughout the year, the default costs are below, however we often offer free postage on orders above a fixed amount, please see information on the shop page for the current free rate.
Postage is a fixed rate per region for 0ne to six bottles.
Hokkaido 1300 + tax
Tohoku, Kanto, Shinetsu, 1000 + tax
Hokuriku, Chiba, 1030 + tax
Kansai 1200 + tax
Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu 1700 + tax
Okinawa, 2500 + tax